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Beating your stats -Update for March

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Stats are up

Compared to February’s stats there is growth in all categories.   I didn’t make my goal of a 50% increase but so long as I am seeing growth, I can’t be concerned. Because there is momentum, my goal for April is 200 page loads and 20 returning visitors.

And what about the posts?

My most popular posts are:

38 views for 1950 Chevy Pickup Truck this is up from 26 views last month.

29 views for plugging Cantankerous Old Coots new post for this month and only about one week old.

23 views for the 1959 Chevy Convertible down from 51 last month

14 views for my wife’s Chevy Vega about the same

13 views for Ask new for this month

These were the most popular posts for the month of March.  The car nostalgia posts still attract viewers and are the most popular posts but the new posts attract some attention.  What seems to be happening is that individual posts during this month received more attention than in previous months and the car posts less.   I am going to interpret this to mean that readers are more interested in the general content of the blog rather than being attracted to individual posts and then leaving without looking around.  I don’t see a clear signal to suggest a change in the content or organization of topics for now.  As always, any observations or comments are welcome.  Maybe you can suggest other ways to check my stats or something I am missing.

{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Jeffrey April 2, 2010, 8:39 am

    Hi Ralph,
    Here’s my observation! Go, Go, Go, I’m right on your heals!
    I’m just 100,000 sites behind and gaining momentum. Not to worry though. I teach Blogging, and it seems no one is really interested. However, when I do the journalist thing, I can’t beat them off! Go configure!
    .-= Jeffrey´s last blog ..Managing Your Social Media Content =-.

  • Ralph April 2, 2010, 9:32 am

    I’m amazed. Journalism is dead and people want to learn it. Blogging is booming and when you make it Google will buy you and they don’t want to learn. It is a strange world.
    .-= Ralph´s last blog ..Going on Your Own =-.

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