- Cover of Grateful Dead
The The Grateful Dead were iconic legends in the 60’s. They weren’t a band for three minute radio slots. You didn’t hear them on the top 40. They were known for long improvisational riffs which were great background for smoking pot. I was never a dead head; never bought an album and never attended a concert – even though my grad school roommate and I gave some serious thought to attending Woodstock.
Most people who lived the 60’s will know at least one Dead song – probably Truckin but the range of their music was legendary.
If you don’t know the Dead, you don’t know anything about the 60’s. This video is from the 70’s but the Dead didn’t evolve. They just got better.
Here they sing the national anthem at a Giant’s game in the 90’s.
The surviving members did the same rendition for the National League playoffs in San Francisco this year.
Absolutely the best rendition I’ve heard of the anthem. I’m no DeadHead, and never listened to them, but after that I’m a fan. I especially like what the announcer said. “How did you get them to do the anthem?”…”We asked them.”
When I think Greatful Dead it’s always been drugged out, whacked out, screwed up. Never again.
Thanks Ralph. Best post I’ve read all day.
I think the biggest reason they aren’t better known is that you can’t capture them in a three minute slot on radio. Add in the drug issues from the 60’s and they remain esoteric. But as you say, the do the national anthem way better than those horrible pop renditions we all have to suffer today.
Yep…and then there are renditions by faux celebs. Rosanne Barr comes to mind.