- Image by dave_7 via Flickr
Ahead of it’s time.
Studebaker created a winner in the Lark .The Lark was a practical sized, no-nonsense car which appeared before it’s time. Americans still wanted flash. Although the Lark sold better than any recent Studebaker model in the end it couldn’t prevent Studebaker from closing down in the late 60’s. The Lark went on sale in 1959 and lasted until 1966 when Studebaker closed its doors.
Early sales were strong because the big three did not have any compact models available yet and Studebaker was able to work out joint dealerships increasing it’s market penetration. Later when GM, Chrysler and Ford produced their own compact models these arrangement were largely discontinued leaving the Lark at a competitive disadvantage.
Many people compare the Lark to early Mercedes models because of the simple, classic styling, quality construction and practical features. Marketing means everything, however, and the small, financially troubled Studebaker company ultimately lost out to the lower quality products of the big three.
Studebaker tried glamor to get customers.
They also demonstrated creativity in their cars.
In the end, however, Studebaker just wasn’t big enough to compete with the big three and their huge network of dealers.
The Larks were built like tanks! My dad was always happy to let me drive theirs, but then why not, it was my mother’s car.
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My Dad was hardcore GM. I don’t remember knowing anyone with a Lark until I was in college. He raved that it was a poor mans Mercedes. I was incredulous at the time.
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