- Image by Sergey Yeliseev via Flickr
I have been conducting an email conversation with Dave Doolin. We started when I commented on his post about putting an old blog in storage. He offerred to take a look and it prompted me to go back and look at anything I considered valuable in my abandoned blog (beware the brugmansia). The old blog was a feel good, express what you really feel exercise. I never got much traction but I did get to rail about politicians which helped me from day to day. One post actually hit the big time (lots of hits) apparently because people were searching Google for the term ‘sociopath weasels’. I spent two days sequestered with some of the finest examples California can boast (I can’t believe that it was four years ago) and you can be sure that only the very best examples of sociopathic weasels practice law in California. I was so disgusted by the experience and the ease with which predatory lawyers can milk big pocket companies that I had to pen this post to release my anger and frustration. All this is a lead in to a link to that post. I offer you my take on sociopath weasels. By the way, the weasels won when the court case finally came up. They used their recording of my deposition and nobody was willing to fly me to LA so I have no way of knowing how they distorted what I told. All I know is that they flat out had no case.
Wow. Weasels eh? Who knew they were such a popular search term. Mind if I ask what you’re going to do with your old blog now?
Have about three of my own, all with less than 10 posts (some really not very interesting), so wondering vaguely what I could do with them.
.-= Heather´s last blog ..First Guest Post – Website in a Weekend =-.
I hadn’t given it any thought. Then Dave started talking about mothballing and I thought why and then I thought again. I probably ought to find out how to archive it. I don’t know.
Ralph, story telling is an art.
You have the stories in you.
Learning to tell them, to write them, is quite some work.
Have you thought of enrolling in a writing class? Or buying some books on it? It can be learned. I’m learning it.
I get the message. I never gave it a thought. I guess I will.
And Dave, What are you doing? Classes? Books?
Sounds a great idea. I’ve thought of doing a journalism course. But I simply don’t have the time. I’ve read some books on the subject, but it’s difficult to tell how successful you are at it.
.-= Matthew Needham´s last blog ..Challenge: Save £1000/$1000 in 30 days =-.
So much to learn. So little time. How to set the priorities is the biggest questions.