- Image via CrunchBase
I had never heard of Entrecard until I read about it on Dragonblogger. I have been struggling to get my readership up here at RalphCarlsonBlog. A slight uptick six weeks ago settled back down to a pretty stable level of 37 pageloads per day on average. Dragonblogger has been blogging a shorter time than I and has a much higher score. One of the tools he uses is Entrecard which is a way to drop cards (your own) on other Entrecard members with the hope that they will reciprocate and perhaps read and comment on a post. You earn points by dropping cards and with enough points you can buy advertising which is more prominent display of your blog on another site. This is my third day and I don’t notice anything yet but I am sure that it it too early to judge.
Dropping cards is a bit of a time consumer. There are apparently several ways to do it more quickly. One is the Entrecard Generator from Dragonblogger which can quickly find 60 sites for you to drop cards. It is much quicker than finding the sites on Entrecard and saves you the step of going to the site once you select it on Entrecard.
I am hoping that Entrecard and the Entrecard generator will help me get my readership up. Stay tuned.
Thank you sir, you are in my Entrecard Generator now, and will be getting regular drops and visits from me as well. Nice blog you have going hear, I wish it success.