- Image by *brilho-de-conta via Flickr
Don’t take the easy path.
Where ever you are in life, it is easy to say it’s too late for me.
I started my excusitis young.
I first remember thinking that it was too late when I was in high school. I was smart but nerdy and afraid of my shadow. I told myself that I could never be a world beater because I lacked confidence and was afraid to talk to people. I had defined myself out of the first tier of performance and was convinced that I wasn’t very likeable. Everybody else seemed comfortable in their skins and ready to take on the world but I was flawed without the possibility of repair.
Instead of changing, I tried to hide my weakness.
Somehow I moved on and worked what I thought was my strength because school was easy for me. Nothing changed the knowledge that I wasn’t interesting and couldn’t relate to people but I coped because I had to. And moved on with life. I felt very much alone in my feelings. I kept away from the people I envied – and feared rejection from and I also kept away from people I saw as losers like me which didn’t leave me many friends. Because I thought that I was unchangeable, I didn’t change.
I bring up my early experience merely to emphasize that it is easy to tell yourself that it is too late, even when you haven’t even started your adventure. It seems to be part of human nature to doubt your own abilities. It is an easy excuse for doing nothing.
It is never too late.
RCB focuses on retirement lifestyles. Many retirees and those who want to be retirees find it easy to say that it is too late for them. They use it as an excuse for failure. Maybe they don’t have enough money to retire. Maybe they lost their family from having the wrong priorities. Maybe they damaged their health. Maybe they lost their reason to live. Whatever the circumstances, at the end of your life, it is easy to tell yourself that if is too late and give up because you don’t see any way to repair the damage. You may not know any way to fix your life but I sincerely believe that you want someone to tell you that it is possible- that it isn’t too late. And to kick your butt until you wake up.
That is my message today- for anyone of any age who is thinking that it is too late for them to…….
So do something!
It is never too late to take control of your life. In fact, it’s about time.