Lifestyle Design
My motto was always to keep swinging. Whether I was in a slump or feeling badly or having trouble off the field, the only thing to do was keep swinging.
Hank Aaron
You need lots of bats when you keep swinging.
I’m confessing today. It’s my nature to be a poser. I can come up with great ideas and I’m a winner in the whiteboard sessions where all the ideas flow. I’m even pretty good at winnowing down those ideas into a plan. Where I get bogged down is putting the plan into action. I can get started but soon the exhilaration fades, the progress slows, the project becomes a drag and I’m looking for an excuse to bug out. I still want the results but they seem far away and don’t inspire me each day to take action and keep plugging. I need more persistence.
That’s where I am today; telling myself that maybe the plan isn’t so good, maybe I’m not up to the challenge and, worst of all, maybe I don’t have what it takes to reach my goal. I’m afraid that with one more step my facade will crumble and my flaws will be revealed.
When that little voice in my head takes control and says in a very authoritative tone that I don’t have what it takes to accomplish my goals, I need help. I have a plan. I have a goal. I have almost everything I need to implement. What I am missing is the drive and commitment to keep moving forward with my plan. I need persistence.
Some people have the internal strength to overcome self-doubt. Some people drive through their fear and keep swinging. Most people eventually run out of steam and need help, support and encouragement. This is the only reason that I am still in the game. I’ve got help. Without someone to keep me accountable, I would have long ago worn myself out chasing every rabbit of an idea that crossed my path and gotten lost in the brush far from the path I charted.
Maybe Hank Aaron had the internal strength to keep swinging but most people need someone to hold them accountable and encourage them as they fight to the finish line. The only reason I still keep swinging is first that I decided to hold myself accountable to deliver on my plan. I promised myself to keep the faith. More important, however, is that I brought in reinforcements. I found a coach to call me to task when I slack off and help me recognize and appreciate progress and accomplishment along the way.
It doesn’t matter, your wisdom and experience. Only Superman can stay on course and focused without a coach. You may know everything to do. You may have the perfect plan. But you need more. You just can’t trust your judgment about your efforts. Without someone to keep you on the path, point out failings or missteps and tell you that your efforts are worthy it is easy to lose purpose, slack off and get lost in the bushes. Coaching can reinforce your persistenct
Hank Aaron is right. You have to keep swinging. But don’t leave it to yourself to make it happen. Get an accountability partner or even better, a coach to keep you on target. You may be better than me at keeping yourself swinging but even the strongest will needs help in identifying the course and staying on track.