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At the beginning of week two of the PreWriting Challenge (I started late so my week two is week three for the bulk of the participants), I am pleased with the results so far. I planned to write ten posts with the idea that they would be finals but that didn’t happen. I prepared six scheduled posts during the week, five were published and the sixth is scheduled. I have three drafts awaiting final review and I expect to use some of them for this week while I prepare ten new posts. You can see the proposed posts for last week and the actual status here. The planned posts for this weeks writing are here.
As with most things, the tidy planning gives way to messy production but I am getting more organized. The first thing I am discovering is that I need to keep my drafts in a separate folder. I am already losing track of the documents and I can see this as a continuing problem when I prepare work ahead of time. I can remember and keep track of details over a short time frame but stretch that time-frame out and I am certain to forget what I have done and where I put it.
The weekly plan works very nicely with the Challenge and I will be preparing a review of my experience over the next week
Way to go Ralph! That’s an awesome start! Your pages look great too. The only suggestion I have is that you put links to your update pages on your main challenge page as well so it’s all very navigable.
My week 2 update is published, check out the link below.
.-= Carlos Velez´s last blog ..Pre-Writing Challenge Updates: Week 2 + Darren Rowse Message To Challenge Participants =-.
I will do that. Thanks.
Hey Ralph. Keep it up. It’s probably tough to pre-write that many articles but I think you are doing a great job. Hope to see some new articles coming 😉
The first week went ok. The trick twill be the second and then the third. Thanks for the good wishes.
Hi Ralph,
I’m meant to be writing but my legs are so tired, I’m procrastinating over here with you instead. I know what I’m going to write but I need the newspaper cutting that I tore out of Saturday’s paper. It’s in my bag in the dining room, hence the procrastination 😉
It’s no good though, I really need to get it done so good job on your awesome start and I look forward to reading your pre-written pieces.
.-= Eleanor Edwards´s last blog ..1 Minute Motivator: The power of one =-.
The first one pops tomorrow.