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To date the blog has reflected my thinking and efforts to create what I call an outrageous retirement lifestyle. Outrageous will certainly be different for different people and some will not want to be outrageous at all. I don’t think that one-size fits all and I know that my answers will not satisfy everybody. My goal is to provide a place to exchange information about retirement not to pontificate because I am definitely not an expert. I am a pilgrim looking for the path to enlightenment- or at least a satisfying close to my life.
I can take this blog in many directions but I am limited by my experience and thinking. I don’t know what I don’t know. But I think that you do know some of the things I don’t know just as I hope that I know a few of the things that you don’t know. It’s what I don’t know that hurts me the most. To overcome that limitation I propose to ask my readers some questions from time to time. I would like to learn more about the questions that you are asking about your retirement journey.
This polling tool is rather blunt and I don’t have much polling experience so I ask for your help in making this work. First, please leave comments when the poll doesn’t get at what you really think. Second if I miss asking the right question please tell me about it either in an email or a comment.
If this blog stays focused on my retirement adventure, everybody is going to get bored. If I learn more about what your retirement adventure is, I get new ideas and I can share them. So become an active participant. Start by answering the poll question in the sidebar just to give me an ideas about the retirement status of my readers. Then answer the questions below. I am looking forward to having you as part of my pilgrimage.
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Thanks for your help.
Last question; I couldn’t answer because I’m not retired yet. 😉 Good luck with the poll.
Heather, Thanks for stepping right up. Actually, I should rephrase that last question. Thanks.
Question 1 is subjective. You say I’m outrageous…I say I don’t know…I don’t think about what pigeonhole my actions will put me in…I just do it.
Hell…I never know what my next venture will be. Right now I don’t know what I’ll do next…and I don’t know when I’ll know. The Haiti trip? I decided to do it about 5 o’clock one Tuesday afternoon and watched the sun come up from an emergency supply ship on Thursday.
As for biggest obstacle…it is money…sorta. I can’t go flying all over the world and stay in high dollar hotels…or even cheap ones usually…but I find a way to travel and a place to stay when I get there…wherever “there” happens to be.
I don’t know, but I think that is the secret…be open to thinking like that…”…wherever there happens to be.”
When I open my eyes each morning there is only one thing I know about my future:
It’s wide open.
And I’m gonna enjoy it, doing…something.
RE; Questions 1. You are the only one that knows if you are outrageous because if I think you are outrageous and you don’t then you haven’t even started yet.
And I agree. You might like more money but it doesn’t seem to be an obstacle.
I told you I don’t have much experience with questionnaires. I don’t intend to let it stand in my way.
I can’t get that Highlighter thingy to work. OE probably.
I could have said money- but I won’t know that for another 20 years.
Family obligations are taking the stage right now- driving all of our travel. We struggle with how to balance our desires with others who “see” we are retired and then anxious for us to use that time with them. It is so good- and so bad- since we don’t live anywhere near any of them. Our outrageous retirement is slowly moving into “visiting family”….
The other problem is that the assumption that since we retired a bit early that we are “rich”. We are not even close. We simply choose to not have a 9-5 job and live on a limited budget.
I’m wondering if retired wives feel pressure to continue working after the husband retires.
Do those ideas help- or am I way off base?
Janette’s last Blog Post ..Quilting
Your answer is helpful. Nothing is black and white. You make an excellant point about now versus the future. Are you secure that ok now will mean ok then. Thanks.
I can’t get it to work for comments. It seems to work for Facebook and Twitter. I will try to troubleshoot.
Comments is the only place I tried it.