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Why change your diet for senior health?
When you are young, your body can run on auto pilot. It is an amazing machine and it can repair and cope with many stresses. When you get to retirement age, it is a different story. Either the neglect and stress of your lifestyle is beginning to produce some health problems or you worry that it is coming. Your doctor wants you to lose weight and lower your cholesterol. You get some stiffness now and again. Is it just aging or can you get control back. Two of the best ways to improve your health are to change your diet and start exercising. Today lets talk diet and consider the Paleolithic Diet – sometimes called the caveman diet.
Is the Paleolithic Diet really healthy?
You may have heard about the Paleo Diet. It has many advocates and the logic behind it is clear. Before man developed civilization , human beings were essential the same as today. The diet of a civilized human today however is very different from that of the pre-civilization hunter gatherers. The premise is this. Man evolved to live and thrive on the Paleolithic life style. Many of the ailments that we suffer today can be blamed on the inclusions to the diet since those times – dairy products, grains, sugars. Eating a diet with vegetables, meats, fish, fruits, nuts and mushrooms provides the body the nutrition it needs without the damage that comes with the Neolithic additions.
Healthy aging – a product of the Paleo Diet?
Many of the health problems for seniors today are related to poor diet choices, many of which are new since man first evolved. Many people argue that consuming a paleo diet will protect from diseases like arthritis and heart disease. I do not rigorously follow the paleo diet but I believe that it is a good model for a healthy life. Some research indicates that reducing carbohydrates (as in the Paleo diet) mimics the benefits of calorie restriction in prolonging life. Other studies suggest that it may help diabetes sufferers eliminate the need for insulin.
Where can I learn more about the Paleo Diet?
I am no expert and I make no health recommendations. What I know is that it is consistent with today’s ideas about health. It is simple and easy to understand and follow. Finally it is a diet where you don’t need to feel deprived. I suggest that you check out this comprehensive resource about the Paleo Diet. If it makes sense to you, then give it a try. Make some changes in your lifestyle and see how you feel. Then come back and share your experience. Or maybe you are already eating like a caveman. Leave a comment to tell how it is working for you.
How about eating all food that was eaten by our great grand mothers as Micheal Pollen had said in many of his books. I personally do not worry about all this diets just follow that rule ask one question before buying any food from grocery. Would my great grand mother pick that stuff from the supermarket. If yes go for it , if no … avoid it.
Sudeep’s last Blog Post ..Hanumanasana
That is more or less where I am settling on the diet issue as well. I do eat dairy and cereal products – just not so much and I try to go whole grain. Still I like the logic of it.
I am in the process of changing my family to the paleo lifestyle. From what I have read, our bodies don’t gain as much nutrition from grains anymore since the soil has been depleted of nutrients and crops have been engineered to grow better, but our bodies can’t break them down as well anymore. More grain allergies pop up all the time.
It is also believed that our bodies were not meant to take in another mammal’s milk. Therefore many of us are intolerant to it. Humans are the only mammals that look toward another’s milk. There are very tasty alternatives that give you calcium and nutrients like milk, they are just easier on the system.
I took the cereal out of the house and replaced it with homemade granola that is grain free and terrific. Other meals have been experimental as we have not been doing this long.
I feel better, I noticed that just last night when we grabbed a bite on the run. (Bad choice). I was up all night with stomach discomfort.
I think that the secret is to have plenty of quick bites of things available. Eat the leftovers the next day, no matter the meal. After the first three days or so, most of my sugar and carb cravings vanished.
I think this is a great way to live, I just really miss my bread. lol
Much more complicated to get your family to go along with the program. Good luck.
I don’t get rigorous about any diet structure but, in principle, the paleo diet makes sense because that’s what our ancestors ate.