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The Secret of Happiness

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There's a pool party at sunset - everyone mark...

Image by Stuck in Customs via Flickr

Time for review

My son has been reviewing my videos. He tells me that they are depressing and put him to sleep. This brings me back to memories of long ago when the kids were small and I was trying to be an enlightened parent (unlike my clueless dad). I bored them to death and it made no difference.  Or the pedantic presentations I used to give at business conferences during my career. I’ve always been a drag.

Part of the old shake’em up program I got going when I retired was directed to getting out of the predictable lifestyle decisions and actions. I got serious about that but I should have gone further, I should get excited. And my face ought to show it.  Maybe I can.  Maybe I can’t.

So the purpose of today’s video is to put some life in my speaking. I’m not sure how to make that happen but I guess a good place to start is with a smile. Let me know if you notice an improvement.

Back to the Point – Happiness.

The topic is simple today. It is happiness. Happiness is something everybody claims they want and most people say they don’t have. So when you are designing your retirement lifestyle, it is important to understand how to be happy.  So what’s the problem? Here you are, finally retired and no longer sucking up to bad bosses and suffering lazy co-workers. You are on your own and can do whatever you want. But with all that you are still unhappy? So what’s it going to take?  Do you need to win the lottery?

Don’t wait for anything.

I say that the problem for most of us is that we are waiting for somebody to make us happy. If we continue to wait, it’s never going to happen because they are all waiting for somebody too. They certainly aren’t thinking about you.

You actually don’t need anything else. You have everything you need to be happy and you can start right now. Just make a decision. Tell yourself that you are happy and act like a happy person acts even if it seems crazy. You may not actually be happy but I don’t think you can tell the difference once you start. Happy people generate their own force field.


Still, if you still doubt and you hesitate to commit to happiness, here’s a crutch. Try these eight tips to feel happier. See if they can get you in the mood. But don’t forget in the end that happiness is only a decision.

Breaking News


Sometimes being happy and looking happy are not the same thing.

Are you really?


My son just gave me a heart to heart.   This is good news for everyone.  He has offered to be my cinematographer. He has a few other ideas as well.  Like I continually say.  My next video will be better.


{ 4 comments… add one }
  • Bill Murney March 6, 2011, 3:10 am

    You are what you are Ralph and nothing will change that.

    The only secret to happiness is to stop wanting, that’s my view anyway.

    I’m afraid you fail on the drawing though, just not up to Hansi’s standard.

    Ashton-under-Lyne, UK
    Bill Murney’s last Blog Post ..Thieves Charter

    • Ralph March 6, 2011, 7:08 am

      You are certainly right that I’m pretty well stuck with who I am by now in life. What I’m finding is that so far the videos only capture one dimension. I’m really not all that dour. I do have an upbeat side although I fear that it may not appear that different to others.
      I disagree about not wanting. Maybe you stop wanting impossible things but you can certainly want a better relationship with family and friends, more fun in life, satisfaction with doing something important, etc. I don’t get from your blog that you have given up that kind of wanting.
      And the drawing may not be up to Hansi’s standards but I didn’t draw it. My son was trying to show me how bad my video was visually. I thought it had a certain charm. I’m his Dad. What can I say.

      • Bill Murney March 7, 2011, 1:48 am

        I should have added – not wanting MATERIAL POSSESSIONS.

        Apologies Ralph, I thought you had drawn it. It’s still better than my own attempts at art.

        Ashton-under-Lyne, UK
        Bill Murney’s last Blog Post ..Thieves Charter

        • Ralph March 7, 2011, 6:34 am

          Nothing wrong with material possessions either but they are secondary.

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