- Image by phdstudent via Flickr
Time Management is Important
I am always interested in learning the tricks that successful people use. They have learned how to become more productive and skillful at their work and I can always stand improvement. As I keep reporting, I have difficulty in managing my time effectively. I keep picking up tricks and tools here and there but recently I discovered that David Risley had a post on his blog about the time management tips that he uses. Some of them are tools but most of them are just ways to help you concentrate attention on the task at hand and get more done.
He recommends Evernote which I use but I do not use Google voice and Remember the Milk. I need to check those out. He also says to get a timer and a white board. If you are not familiar with these, David has links in his post.
For the practices, many are ways to protect yourself from distractions – like telephone calls and emails or Tweets. All of these potential interruptions are controllable. I have been fairly effective in isolating myself from emails but I need to do more. I continue to check periodically and that distracts me from the focus on writing that is still my biggest weakness. Phone calls are not big problem now but if I am successful with my goals, they may become a problem. Getting control of those calls now will prevent the problem from every developing.
What about you?
That is what I will be learning from David’s tips. Which of them do you see as important for you. What are you already doing and where can you get better control? Do you use the tools he suggests now? Are you interested in using others? Do you have other ways to improve your effectiveness or manage your time that you can share?
This is scary Ralph. I think we must be related somewhere or maybe just have way too strong a connection at the coots. I don’t use the online timers because the speakers on my laptop don’t work and it doesn’t beep. Plus I like to use the timer to do other things, like kettlebells, and boxing.
thanks ralph, what are you blogging on tomorrow, I will do something different!
.-= Justin Matthews´s last blog ..My Stellar Review of the Gymboss Timer! =-.
It is pretty scary. Any minute I expect to break into a kettlebell concerto.
.-= Ralph´s last blog ..Time Management Tips from David Risley =-.
I think when you blog for a long time you automatically start to get better at time management. I am just so much faster compared to how I was a year before.
I think these tips definitely help you but you need to implement them. And also you will start to use some of them anyway over time 😉
.-= Julius Kuhn-Regnier´s last blog ..What Traveling through Scotland Taught Me about Blogging =-.
You have hit the nail on the head for me. It isn’t just enough to read these ideas, you actually have to do them. Fortunately, as you say, often as you get more experience you do some of them automatically.
.-= Ralph´s last blog ..Wi-fi Coffee Shop workout =-.