- Image by laverrue via Flickr
I don’t know what I don’t know.
Because of that blind spot it is hard to fix serious problems. You just don’t see them. So what can you do? One of the ways to find out what is in those blind spots is asking people what they see. Even if you don’t know the right questions to ask (or what you don’t know that you really need to find out), it is amazing what you can discover when you keep your mind open. Most people have a poor understanding about how they appear to others. They miss their good points and put too much emphasis on their flaws or even worse imagine virtues that aren’t there. Without the perspective of an outside observer, it is easy to fool yourself about how you appear to others. I am the perfect example.
So what do you mean by outrageous?
In my blog, the goal is to help people achieve an outrageous retirement lifestyle. I think that this is a topic with broad interest as boomers start to retire. I don’t know why more people aren’t reading. I have some readers and get a few engaged comments but I want more. Right now I don’t know what to do about it. That at least is something that I know I don’t know. The question is how I can find the answer. I decided to ask questions. I may not know the right questions to ask but asking any questions, even the ‘wrong’ ones, may produce surprising results. I may find out that what I think I know is wrong and I may provoke readers to answer a question I didn’t ask but should have.
The quest begins.
I started my quest for understanding this week with question about how readers found my blog and what they are looking for. (If you are new to RCB and have not taken those surveys, please take a minute and help me learn about you.) From the results so far I have learned a few things.
First Lesson
The first is that my readers find my blog because of my comments on other blogs. So far, SEO is not bringing me returning readers, just filtters. I get lots of hits from people googling Chevy Trucks (I have done some nostalgia posts on old cars) but they do not convert to returning readers. This suggests that the weekly nostalgia posts may not be effective marketing to build an audience of retirees. That is a decision for later. My first take away from the survey is that blog comments are my most effective marketing activity and that I should commit to a regular schedule of commenting as a way to build a reader community.
Second Lesson
The second is an insight about using the term outrageous to describe a successful retirement. I discovered that people with outrageous retirement lifestyles don’t recognize that they are outrageous. They regard their lifestyle as normal even though they may aspire to step up to a level that they recognize as outrageous. In other words, it is all relative. Outrageous can be a goal or a process but never a current state because when you reach it, it becomes ordinary. I think this is a great insight and I thank my readers for forcing me to see it. I’ve been uncomfortable advocating outrageous lifestyles when I don’t think I am achieving one. Now I see that it is all a quest (maybe an impossible one) to reach a target that keeps moving. It is a subtle difference but I think an important one. I am not an expert telling you how. I am a learner seeking fulfillment on the road less traveled. I am calling that mission outrageous even though my accomplishments may not look or feel outrageous.
What do I still not know?
What I learned is that outrageous is not a state, it is a process. Maybe that insight will help me communicate more effectively. The final test is always the readers. I am counting on learning from them as I go. Help me stay on track. Am I getting it or is there something else I still do not know?
I’ll support your primary finding so far. I found your blog after you left a few comments on my blog. I am constantly reminded by what I read that building a following takes time, like a year or two. It also requires a sharp focus on what your niche is (I’m still refining how broad my niche is!).
I’ll add one comment about your blog that you might want to address: it is extremely slow to load. When I click over here it takes quite a bit longer to load than any other site I visit. From my research into the big megablogs load time is important to get regular visitors.
All that being said, I like your blog because you say it like you feel it. You aren’t going to sugarcoat your opinion. You are being uniquely you.
Bob’s last Blog Post ..Retirement- Smile at The Small Stuff
Don’t know why my blog is slow to load. That is another thing I didn’t know. Now that I know I can try to fix it.
I do want to be a straight shooter so it is good to have you corroborate. It is pretty easy to fool yourself, even if you can’t fool others.
I think it’s your ‘highlighter’ plugin. I’ve noticed that blogs with this are slow loading, and that’s a barrier to attracting new vistitors.
John McNally’s last Blog Post ..5 Ways to Schedule Blog Posts
You might be right. I don’t know that it adds anything and the commenting seems not to be working so I might just get rid of it. Thanks for the suggestion.
I think you’re about bang on so far – me excluded, because lets face it, I’ll show up randomly anyway.
What I’ve noticed, at least with my own blog, is that the best time I had with traffic and comments was before the summer; these were by friends and people whose sites I commented on. Brand new people are rare, and industry people even moreso. Taking a break destroyed the conversing people for the most part.
However, Google has been picking up slowly the whole time. People seem to be staying when they find my sites through keywords and so on, regardless of how often I promote. It’s possible that you need to work a little on that as well, but for now commenting seems a good (if fickle) idea.
I know I stopped visiting your blog while you were away and just got out of the habit. Momentum is important. I know I can’t forget keywords but I’m just not a multi-tasker.
Feedback is my number 1 tool to know if I’m doing things wrong!
Is the feedback you get primarily from comments? Or do you have other methods of getting it?
Outrageous retirement sounds a bit naughty, or pushing barriers, but I think the emphasis should be on enjoyment. If you’re enjoying your retirement then that is the correct lifestyle to have.
I’m just on a traffic drive on my blog. Google only gets me 4% of visitors, the majority comes from blog commenting. I know you have found Steve Scott’s site, and he is posting a great weekly series on getting high traffic flows, so he’s worth following.
Baby boomers retiring must be a massive market, it’s just finding the right angle to attack it.
John McNally’s last Blog Post ..5 Ways to Schedule Blog Posts
That is a good point. You should be enjoying yourself – and if it gets naughty once in a while then why not. Steve has been a great inspiration for me and I follow him eagerly.
Ralph@retirement lifestyle’s last Blog Post ..What I learned from my readers
I love reading comments. Any site or post I visit I read the content first and then comments because some authors always follow up comments to get readers feedback.
Commentors often. add value to the original posts
Did you get rid of Highlighter? Your blog now loads very quickly.
Bob Lowry’s last Blog Post ..Retirement Savings- Why Is It So Hard
I did indeed. Thanks for the heads up.