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Blogus Interruptus!

The best laid plans are just an opportunity to fate to step in and show you that you are a fool.  The plan was to complete the 10 lessons from Buenos Aries before leaving for Rome.  A computer crash wiped our my drafts and disrupted my schedule.  This will have to do.  Big thanks to all of you who competed my survey.  The information will help me target my activities and make Ralph Carlson Blog better.  (If you are not on my mailing list and didn’t receive the survey you can sign up here

English: The Pantheon in Rome, Italy

English: The Pantheon in Rome, Italy (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

and I will send you a link to the survey.)

One thing was clear.  You would like to receive some reports from Rome over the next month and I intend to comply. I can’t promise they will be long  but I will post some pictures and impressions.  I’ll even consider requests.  Is there anything you want to know about Rome?  Put it in the comments and I’ll think about it.

One more thing.  If you completed the survey and responded ‘other’ to any question, please expand on that in a comment.  Leave the question number and the details about your other.  Thanks.  No wonder people who create surveys make so much money.  It’s hard work.



My smile

Image via Wikipedia

What ever happened to ‘Finishing Strong’?

A year ago, I had a vision for my life. It was summed up in the phrase, ‘Finishing Strong’ and I used it for a time as the byline on this blog. What it meant to me was making the last years of my life a statement about life, not accepting conventional wisdom and pushing myself with every fiber in my body to make my last years the best and most fulfilling ones. Taking all the lessons, I learned, all the opportunities missed, every one of my screw-ups and applying them to create the retirement lifestyle that would give me my perfect day. I vowed to reject limits and embrace possibilities,

So, how’s it going after a year?

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